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Medical Terminology Quiz: Dermatology

Medical Terminology Blog

Take Other Medical Terminology Quizzes > From: Exploring Medical Language. Dermatology is the branch of medicine specializing in the skin, nails, and hair, known as the integumentary system. Fun Fact: The skin is the largest body organ and covers an area of about 20 square feet.

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Medical Terminology Crossword: Endoscopy

Medical Terminology Blog

Related blog posts: Endoscopic Surgery Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) Try Other Medical Terminology Crosswords > References Exploring Medical Language. 11th Edition, Elsevier Basic Medical Language, 7th Edition, Elsevier

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Medical Terminology Explained: A Guide for Aspiring Medical Assistants

MedQuest College

Medical assistants embark on a journey filled with learning and growth, and one essential aspect of their education is mastering medical terminology. Understanding Medical Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes Medical terminology is built upon a combination of prefixes, roots, and suffixes, each contributing to the meaning of a word.

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Medical Terminology Quiz: Urinary System

Medical Terminology Blog

Medical TerminologyQuiz on the Urinary System Urinary System The urinary system comprisestwo kidneys , which remove waste from the blood; the bladder , a muscular sac used to store urine; and two ureters and urethra , tubes for urine drainage from the body to the outside. Like this post? Share it with your friends, or leave a comment!

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Why Learn Medical Terminology Online

Medical Terminology Blog

Several tried-and-true methods can be used when studying medical terms. One of the easiest is to take an online medical terminology course. Career Advancement: Completing an online medical terminology course and earning a certificate or credits can enhance your qualifications and career prospects.

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Maximize Learning Medical Terminology

Basic Medical Terminology

The Power of Combining An Online Course with A World-Class Textbook Mastery of medical terminology is crucial in the ever-evolving field of healthcare. The Flexibility of Online Learning An online medical terminology course provides unmatched flexibility, allowing learners to study at their own pace and on their own schedule.

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5 Tips for Teaching Medical Terminology

Basic Medical Terminology

Do you teach a course on medical terminology? Medical terminology can be intimidating, particularly for young students. 5 Tips for Teaching Medical Terminology It can be tempting to stress studying complex terms and their relationships to human anatomy and treatments. Quizzes Can Be (Are) Fun!