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The Evolution of a Patient Ambassador – Learning from Stacy Hurt

Health Populi

My Zoom invitation to Stacy was a very convenient excuse for me to catch up with a friend in the field: we have known each other since Stacy started to grow her health-social media presence on Twitter. And that involvement in social media is intimately woven with Stacy’s patient advocacy journey….for

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Exploring What Role Patient Advocacy Plays in Bundled Payment Outcomes

Guideway Care

In bundled payment models, patient advocacy plays a pivotal role in improving care coordination, patient satisfaction, and adherence to treatment plans. This blog explores how patient advocacy enhances care quality, addresses social determinants of health, and supports bundled payment success.

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Mastering Prior Authorization Roles: Responsibilities and Training Demands Explored


This precision minimizes delays and denials in the authorization process, facilitating timely patient care and reducing administrative burdens. Prior Authorization Specialist: These specialists help with everything that goes into the prior authorization process, from submitting a claim to reviewing and following up.