Sat.May 07, 2022 - Fri.May 13, 2022

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How Hearing Loss Is Changing Around The World

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. Hearing loss has long been one of the most common health issues of all. At the very least, it is one of those conditions that will affect the majority of people in their later years. […]. The article How Hearing Loss Is Changing Around The World appeared first on

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Three in Five People 50+ in the US Will Likely Use Telehealth In the Future – An Update from AARP

Health Populi

“Telehealth certainly appears to be here to stay,” the AARP forecasts in An Updated Look at Telehealth Use Among U.S. Adults 50-Plus from AARP. Two years after the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, one-half of U.S. adults over 50 said they or someone in their family had used telehealth. In early 2022, over half of those over 50 (the AARP core membership base) told the Association they would likely use telehealth in the future.

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Teaching Healthcare Staff to Lose Their Weight Bias

Minority Nurse

After showering, applying deodorant twice, and cranking up her car’s air conditioning against the summer heat (“I will not be the sweaty, smelly fat girl,” she thinks), Eva arrives at the doctor’s office ready to get to the bottom of what ails her: a newly swollen, tender abdomen, growing breathlessness, and debilitating fatigue. Given her previous interactions with healthcare providers, Eva practices what she’ll say when she reaches the clinic: “I know I am fat.

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We are warriors: doctors and patients

The passage through life is, at times, exciting, stressful, and confusing. Like being on a roller coaster ride: strapped in, climbing up to the high peaks, and surging down to the valleys. It’s a ride where I hang on for dear life with the hope I can endure the trip until it ends. Don’t get Read more… We are warriors: doctors and patients originally appeared in

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Why Chronic Pain Must Be Treated With Compassion From Medical Professionals

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. Chronic pain is often a result of an injury or accident, but it can also be a persistent and ongoing condition unrelated to an accident or injury. In cases like these, the pain can become […]. The article Why Chronic Pain Must Be Treated With Compassion From Medical Professionals appeared first on

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Law Enforcement Appreciation Month: Honor Women in Policing


May is Law Enforcement Appreciation Month, and we would like to dedicate this post to celebrating women in policing. Women have played an important role in law enforcement since the very beginning of the U.S. policing system. But when we think of police officers, we don’t always think of these women. This trend, however, is changing. Strong women are leading the charge to play a greater role in how our communities are policed.

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DrChrono Receives 2022 MedTech Breakthrough Award


DrChrono Inc., an EverHealth® solution and essential platform for modern medical practices, announced today that the company has been selected as the winner of the “EHR Innovation” award in the sixth annual MedTech Breakthrough Awards program. The mission of the MedTech Breakthrough Awards is to honor excellence and recognize the creativity, innovation, hard work and success of digital health and medical technology companies, services and products around the globe.

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How Technology Is Modernizing The Patient-Doctor Relationship

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. Throughout history, there has always been a sort of reverent mysticism surrounding healthcare providers. Oftentimes, the patient would turn to their doctor – a person who, curiously enough, might not have had extensive healthcare knowledge […]. The article How Technology Is Modernizing The Patient-Doctor Relationship appeared first on

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Health is Our Most Important Relationship: Inconvenient Truths from MRM/McCann Truth Central

Health Populi

We’ve hit a great “healthcare trust” recession around the world, translating into lower multiple points of medical ‘facts’ and pseudoscience, lower adherence to therapeutic regimens, and clinician burnout that has compromised medicine as the team sport it ideally should be. And that’s just one of five inconvenient truths unearthed in The Truth About Our Relationships with Health , the first in a series of papers that MRM is developing to, in their words, ̶

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Story of Resilience: “I Woke Up in Pain, In a Dark Room” – Then He Discovered Nursing

Minority Nurse

When Cade Conville took the podium at the Fall 2021 Accelerated Masters in Nursing Pathway Senior Recognition Ceremony , what could have been a typical award speech turned into an emotional account of his path to nursing and his story of resilience. Six years ago, Conville was a gunshot wound victim. The bullet injured the left side of his face, and he was rushed into life-saving surgery. “I woke up in a lot of pain, in a dark room.

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Addressing Healthcare Access Gaps with Technology: 3 Areas To Focus Today

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. By Jeff Gartland, CEO, Relatient. As experts in the healthcare industry, we’re all acutely aware of how our health system falls short of consumer expectations. And the gaps in the industry aren’t new – health […]. The article Addressing Healthcare Access Gaps with Technology: 3 Areas To Focus Today appeared first on

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The Best Home Technology For Seniors

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. Seniors, until relatively recently, might not have considered the possibility of aging in place, meaning they stay in their homes. Instead, there was often the automatic assumption that older people would move in with family […]. The article The Best Home Technology For Seniors appeared first on

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How USCDI Is Reshaping Data Quality and Access In The Healthcare Industry 

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. By Angela Kennedy, director of strategic operations, medical specialty societies, IQVIA. In 2016, the 21st Century Cures Act (Cures Act) resulted in new regulations that fundamentally changed the way deidentified patient data is accessed and utilized.

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4 Powerful Marketing Tips for Ophthalmology Practices

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. Medical care marketing can be challenging. Most people try to put medical appointments out of their minds until the day of — it’s not something they aim to engage with daily. When marketing your ophthalmology […]. The article 4 Powerful Marketing Tips for Ophthalmology Practices appeared first on

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Student Nurses’ Day: Meet Azariah Torain

Minority Nurse

Current student nurses have had an academic path that has been influenced in all ways by a global pandemic. This year, Minority Nurse celebrates National Student Nurse Day (honored every year on May 8) by learning more about Azariah Torain, a sophomore at the University of Pittsburgh. Torain also is involved in the National Student Nurses’ Association where she is the 2022-2023 Imprint Editor and chair of the Image of Nursing Committee.

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Digital Innovation Spurs Seamless Healthcare Engagement

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. By Keith Algozzine, co-founder and CEO, UCM Digital Health. An unexpected side effect of the pandemic is how the health industry quickly realized the extraordinary advantages stemming from the rapid adoption of advanced, end-to-end telehealth […].

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HL7 Launches FAST FHIR Accelerator To Jumpstart FHIR-Based Interoperability Solutions

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. Health Level Seven International (HL7) announces the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology’s (ONC’s) FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST) will transition into an HL7 FHIR Accelerator. The FAST project was originally founded to identify […].

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A Staged Approach To Advancing ePA

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. By Hans Buitendijk, chair, EHR Association. Having identified the existing prior authorization process as a burden with wide-ranging impacts across multiple healthcare domains – contributing to provider burnout and care delays that put patients at […].

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Top Qualities of Medical Courier Services

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. On a global basis, courier services are a significant business. It’s a multibillion-dollar industry that’s growing at a rapid pace, with new businesses joining the market every year. But how do you know which are […]. The article Top Qualities of Medical Courier Services appeared first on

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National School Nurse Day Is May 11

Minority Nurse

In the middle of National Nurses Week, a day is designated to honor the school nurses who work in schools nationwide and address issues that range from splinters to seizures. This year’s School Nurse Day on May 11 helps recognize and celebrate this career. School nurses take care of children who attend school and with that familiarity they build close relationships with the children they see and often their families.

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Nurse Researcher: Pandemic Had Heavy Impact on Black Girls’ Health

Minority Nurse

The physical, psychological and sexual development of Black adolescent girls has been “heavily impacted” by the COVID-19 pandemic, says Natasha Crooks , PhD, RN, an assistant professor at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) College of Nursing. Crooks has published a paper, titled “ The Impact of COVID-19 Among Black Girls: A Social-Ecological Perspective ,” in the Journal of Pediatric Psychology, reporting on the findings of a qualitative study that featured interviews with 25 Black girls—a