January, 2023

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Nurses Share Their Worst Nurse-Patient Ratios


The number of patients assigned to each nurse varies from hospital to hospital, but nurses say they are being asked to care for more patients than they can handle. If the nurse-patient ratio is too high, nurses might not have time to do everything that’s required of them in a day. They may end up working overtime or forgo breaks just to get it all done, which can lead to burnout and higher turnover rates that leave the remaining nurses short staffed.

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How Healthcare Organizations Can Rise Above the Swelling Payment Epidemic

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. By Joe McMurray, senior vice president of patient experience, Zotec Partners. A July 2022 report confirmed what most providers have seen coming during this time of rampant inflation: Unexpected healthcare costs can be crippling for […] The article How Healthcare Organizations Can Rise Above the Swelling Payment Epidemic appeared first on electronichealthreporter.com.

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The DAISY Team Award As A Way to Honor Teamwork

Emerging RN Leader

By Rose O. Sherman, EdD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN Nursing is a team sport, but it might not seem that way in today’s environment. Many team members are exhausted, burned out, and focused on their personal needs. As one manager recently observed – it’s me, me, and more me. When I raise the question about how whatever […] The post The DAISY Team Award As A Way to Honor Teamwork appeared first on Emerging Nurse Leader.

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Record Numbers of People in the U.S. Putting Off Medical Care Due to Cost – A New “Pink Tax” on Women?

Health Populi

More people in the U.S. than ever have put off medical care due to cost, according to Gallup’s latest poll of patients in America. Gallup conducted the annual Health and Healthcare poll U.S. adults in November and December 2022. This was the highest level of self-rationing care due to cost the pollster has found since its inaugural study on the topic in 2001.

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Using LinkedIn to Accelerate Your Nursing Career

Minority Nurse

If you want to be a badass nurse who confidently uses LinkedIn to accelerate your nursing career, here are ten spicy tips for success from international nurse coach Farah Laurent , MSN, RN, NEA-BC, CPXP, NPD-BC, TCRN, CPEN, CEN. Do your research. I have been a LinkedIn member for many years; however, It was only in 2021 that I truly realized the power of LinkedIn and all that it has to offer.

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You Asked, We Answered; 12 Questions about Trauma-Informed-Care


Trauma-informed care (TIC) is a crucial piece of the behavioral health landscape. It’s a framework that puts the person at the center of care and allows their needs to drive the approach to care. In true TIC, the practitioner will ask “What happened to you?” rather than “What’s wrong with you.” Many behavioral health organizations have started to use TIC practices when interacting with clients, as well as staff.

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3 Tips for Implementing An IT Trend

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. By Jordan Miller, MD, senior medical director of dermatology, ModMed. When consumer technology companies release smartphones and TVs with new and exciting capabilities, I tend to ask myself, “How valuable is this new feature?” or […] The article 3 Tips for Implementing An IT Trend appeared first on electronichealthreporter.com.

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Why I Turned Down a Nurse Manager Position

Emerging RN Leader

A note from Rose Sherman, Blog Editor Several weeks ago, I received an email from a blog reader who wrote: I love your blog. It is very thought-provoking. I have been in my charge position for almost 4 years now. I was recently asked to apply for the unit manager position and was subsequently offered […] The post Why I Turned Down a Nurse Manager Position appeared first on Emerging Nurse Leader.

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Update on Possible OSHA Prevention of Violence in Healthcare and Social Assistance Rule

Healthcare Law Insights blog

OSHA is currently considering a possible “Prevention of Workplace Violence in Healthcare and Social Assistance” rule. If passed, the Rule would apply to employers whose employees face an increased risk of workplace violence from their patients, clients, residents and/or facility visitors. Such employees include those who work in hospitals, ambulatory medical care or substance abuse treatment centers, freestanding emergency centers, residential care facilities, home healthcare, EMS and/or social

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Saying Yes to Your Nursing Career

Minority Nurse

In healthcare and nursing, there’s always so much in our career we can say no to; however, there are plenty of things we find ourselves saying yes to. Granted, it’s always empowering to say no to things like working a double shift when you’re exhausted, accepting bullying and incivility as normal, working without adequate PPE, and unsafe staffing levels that put your license and your patients at risk.

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New Peripartum Depression Study Shows Gap Between Screening and Outcomes


On Maternal Health Awareness Day , I would like to bring awareness to the publication of our peer-reviewed article in the Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine , “ Improving maternal mental health: Assessing the extent of screening and training about peripartum depression.” In this article, we examined results from our recent peripartum depression study, co-authored by researchers and clinicians at Relias.

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Artificial Womb Promises Designer Babies and Fewer Complications


A group of scientists in Berlin, Germany say they are close to developing the world’s first artificial womb facility that grows babies outside of the human body. Parents would be able to watch their baby develop on a remote app and choose their child’s physical characteristics from a menu. The project, known as EctoLife, would be able to create 30,000 babies a year using a ground-breaking approach developed by researcher Hashem Al-Ghaili.

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Top 2023 Healthcare Organizational Adjustments

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. By Roy Bejarano, CEO, SCALE Healthcare. As we head into the new year, healthcare organizations will reevaluate their internal processes, procedures, and business plans to ensure they are ready to best serve patients and continue […] The article Top 2023 Healthcare Organizational Adjustments appeared first on electronichealthreporter.com.

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All Nurses Are Leaders

Emerging RN Leader

By Rose O. Sherman, EdD, NEA-BC, FAAN A professional colleague called me with a dilemma. She is in a philosophical argument with some well-known nurse leaders on whether – All Nurses Are Leaders. She thought there was general agreement on this but was learning others saw it differently and didn’t believe all nurses are leaders. […] The post All Nurses Are Leaders appeared first on Emerging Nurse Leader.

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GALE Telemedicine eClinics Helping Refugees

19 Labs

19Labs partner customizes the GALE Telemedicine platform to deliver an end-to-end solution for refugees in Lebanon & the Middle East. Refugees, migrants, and the displaced. An ever-growing number of people fall under these categories, and so does their need for adequate healthcare access. 19Labs and our partners deliver a solution. An example of this is found among the refugees of Lebanon.

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The Importance of Teaching Nursing Students How to Cope with their Mental Health

Minority Nurse

We’ve seen the statistics showing that nurses and future nurses need mental well-being more than ever. With healthcare staffing shortages all over the country, healthcare facilities and consumers cannot afford to lose more nurses. At the root of it is that nursing is an incredibly stressful profession, with 63% of nurses reporting significant workplace stress, 70% saying they put the safety and well-being of the patient above their own, and 31% reporting a workload assignment higher than which t

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Autism Social Skills Training: Strategies for Developing Empathy


Many individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have some level of difficulty with social communication and interaction skills. They may find it difficult to engage in conversations, understand implied social rules, respond to nonverbal cues, or see others’ perspective. Using autism social skills training can help your clients, children, and adults alike improve their skills in these areas.

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Girl Has Leg Amputated After Hospital Ignored Her Cries for 10 Hours


Stephanie Sedillo is suing Presbyterian Hospital in Albuquerque, New Mexico after her daughter’s leg had to be amputated because the staff allegedly ignored her cries for 10 hours. Sedillo said her daughter Meiah Tafoya fell and hurt her leg while playing at school. “I got a call from the school, saying there was an incident, and rescue was on the way, and that’s all they told me, so I rushed to the school,” Sedillo explained.

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Seven-Day Ambulatory ECG Monitoring Drives Efficiencies Through Improved Outcomes, Lower Costs of Care

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. By Robert G. Hauser, MD, FACC, FHRS, chair of the Cardiac Insight, Inc. scientific advisory board. A decade ago, my 72-year-old wife suffered a major stroke while we were attending a medical meeting in France. […]. The article Seven-Day Ambulatory ECG Monitoring Drives Efficiencies Through Improved Outcomes, Lower Costs of Care appeared first on electronichealthreporter.com.

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Holding Nurses Accountable for Being Team Players

Emerging RN Leader

By Rose O. Sherman, EdD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN How do we hold professionals accountable for being team players? This is a challenging question that many nursing leaders ask during our rebuilding teams workshop. One manager shared her story: I have some nurses who have no interest in being team players. Everything seems to be me […] The post Holding Nurses Accountable for Being Team Players appeared first on Emerging Nurse Leader.

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Can Consumer Electronics Help Stem the Decline of U.S. Life-Years? A Preface for #CES2023

Health Populi

Life expectancy in the U.S. dropped nearly three years between 2019 and 2021, from close to 79 years down to 76. We ended 2022 with this new, sobering statistic from the Centers tor Disease Control (CDC). We begin 2023 with the opening of CES 2023, the world’s largest annual meet-up of consumer electronics innovators, companies, and retailers.

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Nursing Profession Tops Gallup Poll

Minority Nurse

Once again, the nursing profession tops career lists that use metrics as varied as trustworthiness, salary potential, and job growth to come out with high marks. Continuing its long-running streak, nursing ranked at the top of the most trusted professions for the 21st straight year in a recent annual Gallup poll. According to Gallup, those in the healthcare industry garnered the top spots overall, but the nursing profession beat out all other professions on the list with 79 percent of respondent

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Promoting Psychological Safety Through DEI Principles


For your organization to be the best that it can be, you must create an environment where staff members feel comfortable being themselves, asking questions, and providing potential solutions to problems. By working to make your organization a safer place to work for everyone, you’re likely to see staff retention and engagement increase, which can lead to more consistent, quality care for persons served.

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Healthcare Cybersecurity: Addressing the Immediate Issue Today

Medical Gas Compliance

Healthcare facilities are not without risk when it comes to cyber attacks. The Department of Health and Human Services reports that from 2018 to 2021, there was an 84% increase in data breaches reported by healthcare organizations. (source). 2022 was an even more troubling year for Healthcare related cyberattacks. Out of any global industry sector, The healthcare industry had the highest increase in weekly cyberattacks in 2022.

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Top 5 Healthcare Marketing Ideas

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. Do you know the estimated revenue generated in 2023 from the healthcare industry will be around?$63.9 billion? The healthcare industry is extremely competitive, and survival is often challenging. Medical businesses spend around 10% to 15% of […] The article Top 5 Healthcare Marketing Ideas appeared first on electronichealthreporter.com.

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Helping Nurses Think More Long-Term

Emerging RN Leader

By Rose O. Sherman, EdD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN Nurse leaders are asking me how to help staff become more long-term thinkers. Younger staff, they observe, are living in the moment and fail to consider the longer-term impact of some of their decisions. Some examples they give include the following: […] The post Helping Nurses Think More Long-Term appeared first on Emerging Nurse Leader.

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Quick, Accessible, Inexpensive Health Care – A Retail Health Update from Amazon and Dollar General

Health Populi

Two announcements this week add important initiatives to patients’ growing choices that speak to their consumer-sides’ sense of value and personal healthcare cost-containment: Amazon launched RxPass, a generic medicines subscription service; and, Dollar General promoted its mobile health service powered by DocGo on demand for health visits, “right outside the store.” These two programs come from outside of the legacy health care system of so-called incumbents — hosp

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Fayetteville State University to Lead Statewide Initiative Training SANEs

Minority Nurse

Fayetteville State University’s (FSU) School of Nursing launched a statewide initiative to train more Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs). FSU is the first HBCU in the country to host a SANE training program at its nursing school, thanks to a $1.5 million appropriation from the state of North Carolina. Right now, there are fewer than 100 SANEs certified across the state of North Carolina, even though they are the best people to care for sexual assault victims and to collect forensic evidence.

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Help Your Clients Get the Most Out of ABA Parent Training


As a behavior analyst working with young children, it’s important to remember that your clients’ parents are going through the process with them. Parents can function as important members of their child’s applied behavior analysis (ABA) team. To get the best results from parental involvement, however, you’ll need to provide parent training around ABA interventions.

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Adaptability: The Ability to Quickly Adjust to Shifting Environments and Customer Needs

Walker Info - Patient Experience

“You can have any color you want as long as it is black.” History attributes this famous quote to Henry Ford referring to the production of his famous Model T automobile. While there is skepticism regarding whether he actually said this, it serves as an interesting contrast to today’s customers. It’s clear the days of “build it and they will come” are long gone.

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Electronic Health Record Association Announces FY23 Leadership and Priorities

Electronic Health Reporter

This article is copyrighted strictly for Electronic Health Reporter. Illegal copying is prohibited. The Electronic Health Record (EHR) Association announced the results of its annual Executive Committee elections for terms beginning Jan. 1, 2023. The EHR Association is a trade association of 30 companies that serve most of the nation’s hospitals […].

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