Sat.Sep 16, 2023

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Health disparities research is full of low quality work

Sensible Medicine

Recently, I saw a tweet from World Lung Conference. A presenter lamented differences in Lung cancer screening rates by race. Black and Hispanic patients had lower rates of lung cancer CT screening than whites, and the speaker argued that we needed targeted efforts to improve this disparity. But lung cancer screening doesn't work, as I described in a prior post.

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Vascular Nurses Have Career Options

Minority Nurse

As Vascular Nurses Week comes to a close, the impact of the work vascular nurses perform each day is clear. Vascular nurses work with patients who have vascular disease or who may be at high risk for vascular diseases including everything from blood clots to high blood pressure and other cardiovascular disease to circulation problems. Patients depend on nurses in this specialty to help them treat and manage their diseases and so will turn to them for education about how to recover from surgery f