Mon.Jul 01, 2024

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Pfizer And Moderna Vaccines Not Linked To Birth Defects, Study Finds

Forbes Healthcare

The findings add to research showing vaccination during pregnancy is safe and effective amid growing evidence of severe risks from coronavirus infection for parent and child.

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Paul Marik: Disparaging chemotherapy in order to sell cancer quackery

Science Based Medicine

Everything old is new once again, as COVID-19 quacks rehash old cancer quack claims that chemotherapy doesn't work in order to sell their preferred cancer quackery. The post Paul Marik: Disparaging chemotherapy in order to sell cancer quackery first appeared on Science-Based Medicine.

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This Biotech Startup Raised $12.5 Million To Find Bacteria That Help Fight Cancer

Forbes Healthcare

Kanvas Biosciences aims to create a “Google Maps” for the microbiome that can help fine-tune treatments for cancer and other diseases.

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How to Increase the Productivity of Nursing Staff


The success of any healthcare institution or private practitioner depends largely on the competence and work ethic of nurses. Ensuring the best possible outcomes for patients won’t be possible when providers lack expert support. However, more than expertise, it also matters to invest in nursing staff that can produce quality work. Then again, this is the sort of challenge that continues to hound healthcare providers for ages.

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Social Media Platforms Should Act Before Warning Labels Are Required

Forbes Healthcare

Warning labels do nothing to address the broader mental health challenges associated with social media use.

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Inside AI-driven medical coding

Healthcare Dive - Practice Management

Discover what AI technology is and how it’s used in medical coding operations.

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New summer wave of COVID-19; Turmeric supplements linked to liver injury; Facial fitness gum? – Morning Medical Update

Medical Economics

The top news stories in medicine today.

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On Parachutes And Vaccines

Forbes Healthcare

Demanding randomized controlled trials to prove that vaccines work might sound reasonable, but it's not. The same is true for parachutes.

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NAACOS praises CMS proposed rule on accounting for alleged catheter billing fraud

Medical Economics

Feds continue analyzing situation involving more than $2 billion in possible fraud.

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After Billions In Losses, Walgreens Doesn’t Want To Own VillageMD

Forbes Healthcare

Walgreens is looking to reduce its majority investment in the doctor-staffed clinic operator VillageMD after billions of dollars in losses.

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The Most Ignored Study in Cardiac Electrophysiology

Sensible Medicine

In days of old, we placed implantable cardioverter–defibrillators (ICD) in patients who survived cardiac arrest. The problem was that survival of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest was terrible. Smart people then designed studies to place ICDs in patients before they had cardiac arrest. We call this primary prevention. You can’t place ICDs in everyone because the device comes with downsides (infection, inappropriate shocks, anxiety and costs, for instance.

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No Quick Fixes: Interview With Cerebral’s Chief Product Officer Alex Stried

Forbes Healthcare

Alex Stried, Chief Product Officer of Cerebral, shares how she leverages behavioral design as a product leader such as by simplifying the path to therapy.

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Surge in private equity acquisitions of cardiology clinics raises concerns over quality and patient outcomes

Medical Economics

Vast majority of the acquisitions have occurred in the last two years

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As Walgreens Closes Stores, Turnaround May Take ‘Quarters, Not Months’

Forbes Healthcare

Walgreens CEO says a turnaround of the drugstore giant’s U.S. retail pharmacy business could take several “quarters, not months.

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Healthcare workers’ compensation rose in 2023 amid staffing shortages: report

Healthcare Dive - Practice Management

Medical groups are increasing compensation in an attempt to lure talent, with median total compensation for registered nurses rising nearly 20% over the past five years.

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Can Government Or Industry Make Drug Discovery More Efficient?

Forbes Healthcare

Neither price controls nor new technology will reduce the cost of discovery. Do we really want low-cost drugs?

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4 Programs for Military Spouses Who Want a Career in Healthcare


Medical Assistant As a medical assistant , you perform various clinical and administrative roles in healthcare settings. You’ll interact with patients while taking their medical histories, performing physical examinations, recording vitals, preparing them for procedures and collecting samples for lab investigation. Good communication and organizational skills are handy when making follow-up calls, booking patient appointments and managing patient info.

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8 states where you’re more likely to be sued for malpractice

Physicians Practice

Be extra careful if your practice in one of these eight states.

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Nurse’s Survival Guide: How to Thrive in Hot Working Conditions

Minority Nurse

Working in hot conditions can feel like a nightmare for nurses in the summer. It doesn’t even have to be hot outside. Older patients might require a warmer temperature inside hospitals and clinics, including dialysis centers. Plus, it doesn’t help if we’re constantly moving or if some of us run naturally warm. We can help ourselves sweat less and be more comfortable at work by cooling down in dangerous temperatures.

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Practice tip of the week: Staving off lawsuits

Physicians Practice

Your weekly dose of wisdom from the Physicians Practice experts.

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5 Tips to Reduce Moving Stress as a Military Spouse


Plan and Organize Adequately When you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Proper planning is crucial once you find out you’re about to relocate. You can start by creating a journal or moving checklist for military family members. Document relevant dates, steps and important decisions you need to make when relocating. With the planned moving date at the top of the list, you have a deadline to keep and can break down tasks week by week for orderliness.

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The Growing Preference for Online Scheduling in Healthcare

Guideway Care

A significant shift in patient appointment scheduling is evident in today’s digital age. Did you know that 60% of Americans use online solutions to book their medical visits, while only 33% prefer calling? This trend shows the increasing demand for online appointment scheduling among patients, especially the younger demographic. Here’s why some patients prefer an online scheduling option.

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PAI: Corporate changes in the health care marketplace, part 2

Medical Economics

Physicians Advocacy Institute CEO discusses consolidation in health care.

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What Is the Impact of Patient Wait Times on Customer Satisfaction?

Guideway Care

Long wait times at healthcare facilities are frustrating and inconvenient for patients. Besides the immediate discomfort, prolonged waiting can affect overall patient satisfaction. While the rise of alternative healthcare facilities has reduced wait times in various health facilities, understanding the effect of wait times on patient satisfaction scores is crucial.

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Primary care and opioid use disorder treatment – a slideshow

Medical Economics

Survey asks if people know primary care physicians can prescribe medications for OUD.

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What Are LMS e-Learning Parameters & Why Do They Matter?


Why Is LMS Reporting Important? Learning Management System (LMS) reporting is a crucial feature that tracks and analyzes student performance within an online learning environment.

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7 tips for improving senior obesity care

Medical Economics

These tips could remove the barriers between quality obesity care and older adults.

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How Much Does A Personal Trainer Make in 2024? (Answered)


In the last decade, the fitness industry has been gaining more traction than ever. As more and more people strive to become personal trainers, setting realistic expectations is crucial. Many choose to start training others in order to have a positive impact on people’s lives. However, making a living is also an important factor to consider. So, how much does a personal trainer make?

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PAI: Corporate changes in the health care marketplace, part 1

Medical Economics

Physicians Advocacy Institute CEO discusses consolidation in health care.

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How to Start a Carpet Cleaning Business: Everything You Need to Know


Starting a carpet cleaning business is a great opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to tap into a high-demand market. Clean carpets make homes and businesses more inviting, and there’s a steady demand for professional cleaning services. If you’re thinking about starting your own carpet cleaning business, it’s important to understand what’s involved.

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Optimizing patient access operations

Medical Economics

When patient access and financial clearance processes are outdated, the resulting inefficiencies create delays in the patient’s journey from initial contact to care access – delays that contribute to revenue leakage and can impact patient satisfaction.