Sun.Nov 26, 2023

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New Jersey Tech Schools vs. Traditional Colleges

ACI Medical & Dental School

Many people automatically assume they will attend a four-year college after graduating high school without considering other options. While this is a great path for some, there are many advantages to choosing a New Jersey technical or career training school. With the cost of college tuition continuing to increase and the high demand for skilled healthcare workers, it’s a good time to consider a trade or technical school instead of a typical four-year college.

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HIV & AIDS: How Prior Authorization Software Creates Smoother Care Pathways

Myndshft Blog

In 1988, December received the designation of HIV/AIDS Awareness Month in the U.S., coinciding with the United Nations’ World AIDS Day on December 1st. Since the peak of the HIV / AIDS epidemic in the 1980s, the CDC says annual infections have declined by more than two-thirds. While the decline represents a significant positive trend, roughly 1.2 million Americans still live with HIV.