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4 Digital Tools Nurses Can Leverage for Their Next Job Search


According to an Incredible Health survey, 40% of nurses planned to pursue a nursing role elsewhere in 2022. Besides that, this document should also help employers contact you. Burnout and stress have become prevalent across nurses in the US, and this has contributed to their decision to leave their jobs.

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5 Risk Control Considerations as Nurse Practitioners’ Scope of Practice Expands

Minority Nurse

For example, according to the NSO and CNA Nurse Practitioner Claim Report: 5th Edition , which analyzed professional liability claims data, the average total incurred of NP professional liability claims in the 2022 report dataset was $332,137, which was more than a 10.5% to 35.3% (CNA & NSO, 2022). to 35.3% (CNA & NSO, 2022).

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The Wellness Economy in 2022 Finds Health Consumers Moving from Feel-Good Luxury to Personal Survival Tactics

Health Populi

The Future of Wellness in 2022 is, “shifting from a ‘feel-good’ luxury to survivalism as people seek resilience,” based on the Global Wellness Institute’s forecas t on this year’s look into self-care and consumer’s spending on health beyond medical care — looking beyond COVID-19.

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The Alarming Trend of Seasoned Nurses Being Laid Off: Profits Over Patient Care? 

Minority Nurse

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) (2022) estimated over 100,000 registered nurses left the profession and predicted that another 800,000 nurses would follow them by 2027. According to the Joint Commission (2022), 1,441 sentinel events were reported in 2022, a 19% increase from 2021.

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Telehealth Flexibilities Extended to Late 2022 and Likely Beyond

Healthcare Law Insights blog

In the Federal omnibus spending bill signed in March 2022, Congress extended current Medicare reimbursement waivers applicable to telehealth services for five months beyond the end of the PHE. Congress also directed the OIG to report on program integrity risks and make recommendations to prevent fraud, waste and abuse.

Billing 52
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Nursing Quiz to Test Your Medical Skills


avg 481 Created on August 16, 2022 Nursing Quiz to Test Your Medical Skills 1 / 34 A nurse is caring for a patient with MRSA, so wearing a gown and gloves. Drug allergy Drug idiosyncrocasy Drug tolerance Drug synergism 20 / 34 When doing documentation, which of the following qualities are relevant? 34 12 votes, 1.9

Tests 244
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3 Most Important Factors To Consider For Medical Assistants In 2022

Bell-Brown Medical Institute

3 Most Important factors to consider for medical assistants in 2022 The medical assistant’s role in healthcare has expanded to include more than just patient care. The post 3 Most Important Factors To Consider For Medical Assistants In 2022 appeared first on Bell-Brown Medical Institute.