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Washington Bill Would Provide Workers’ Comp Insurance to Nurse for PTSD


And lawmakers in Washington state have proposed a bill that would provide workers’ compensation insurance coverage for nurses with PTSD, similar to a 2018 law that provides workers’ PTSD compensation to firefighters and police officers. Low pay, long hours, and staff shortages have only compounded the crisis.

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Do I Really Need That? Patients Wary of Conflicts of Interest in Healthcare


Providers are typically paid for each test and procedure they perform, which can lead to a conflict of interest, especially when patients have to foot the bill. The mother was surprised but eventually went along with the doctor’s suggestion, resulting in a $1,877 bill for “operating room services.” Can you send me an itemized bill?

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Tools for Paying Medical Bills Don’t Help Health Consumers Manage Their Financial Health

Health Populi

The big gap in supply to patients vs. demand by health consumers is highlighted by what the arrow in the chart below points to: managing payments and paying bills. Patient-facing digital tools help patients with fairly basic tasks like making appointments, seeking doctors, and paying bills.

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Doing Less Can Be Doing More for Healthcare – the Biggest Takeaway From ASCO 2018

Health Populi

The study, Adjuvant Chemotherapy Guided by a 21-Gene Expression Assay in Breast Cancer, was published in The New England Journal of Medicine on June 3, 2018, coinciding with the researchers’ ASCO presentation of the results. ” A genetic test that costs $3,000 helps to identify women who could benefit from avoiding chemo.

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Surprise, Surprise: Most Americans Have Faced a “Surprise” Medical Bill

Health Populi

Most Americans have been surprised by a medical bill, a NORC AmeriSpeak survey found. patients blamed doctors and pharmacies, although a majority of consumers still put responsibility for surprise healthcare bills on them (71% and 64% net). adults 18 and over in August 2018. Who’s responsible? Plus ça change.

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Will Trade Data for (Cheaper) Health Care – USC’s View of the Future

Health Populi

As such, American health consumers are wrestling with sticker shock from surgical procedures, surprise medical bills weeks after leaving the hospital, and the cost of prescription drugs — whether six-figure oncology therapies or essential medicines like insulin and EpiPens. Patients are now front-line payors in the U.S. health care system.

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The Patient As Payor: Workers Covered by Employer Health Insurance Spend 11.5% of Household Incomes on Premiums and Deductibles

Health Populi

of their household income on health insurance premiums and deductibles based on The Commonwealth Fund’s latest report on employee health care costs, Trends in Employer Health Coverage, 2008-2018: Higher Costs for Workers and Their Families. Workers covered by health insurance through their companies spend 11.5% of household income.

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